Eyebrow Transplantation

Eyebrow Transplantation

Eyebrow Transplantation

Eyebrow transplantation is a type of cosmetic surgery performed to make your eyebrows fuller. This is a permanent procedure that can last a lifetime. A surgeon will transfer the hair follicles from your scalp to your eyebrows. The recovery time is quite quick, but it may take several months for you to see the results of an eyebrow transplant.

What is eyebrow transplant?

Eyebrow transplant is a permanent cosmetic procedure to make your eyebrows look fuller or to replace lost hair. A surgeon will perform this procedure using scalp or hair grafts to replace your existing eyebrow hairs.

Hair graft is a type of hair transplant surgery in which a surgeon removes a small piece from your scalp, usually above your ears, which may contain two to 15 hair follicles. Hair follicles are tubes that grow your hair.

The surgeon transfers the hair graft to your eyebrows. When your skin heals after surgery, the hairs on your eyebrows will appear more prominently and reduce the need to use makeup or eyebrow pencils.

Who can have eyebrow transplant?

People who have lost their eyebrow hair, whose eyebrow tattoo has faded or who want to have fuller eyebrows may prefer to have eyebrow transplantation. If you have a medical condition that causes hair loss, such as trichotillomania or alopecia areata, or if you have suffered an injury that affects your skin, such as a burn or scar, you may want an eyebrow transplant.

Eyebrow transplant is a permanent solution to make your eyebrows look fuller instead of relying on makeup to fill your eyebrows. Although the procedure is most common among women and those who are appointed as women at birth, men and people who are appointed as men at birth also prefer to have this cosmetic surgery.

Does eyebrow transplant work?

Yes, eyebrow transplant is a successful type of cosmetic surgery to increase the fullness of your eyebrows. The result of your eyebrow transplant depends on how well the graft “holds”, that is, how well it adapts to the new locations of the hair follicles. This can be affected by your overall health and how you take care of your skin after surgery. It may take a few months for you to see results.

Before Eyebrow Transplant

Before transplant procedure, you will meet with your cosmetic surgeon to discuss your goals for eyebrow transplant. During this consultation, your doctor will perform the following examinations:

  • It will examine the hair growth on your eyebrows and the location of a potential donor area in your scalp. The donor area is a section of skin that contains the hair follicles on your scalp that your surgeon will remove during the procedure to replace the hair on your eyebrows.
  • He or she will ask you questions about your medical history, your family’s medical history, your lifestyle, and any medications you are currently taking.

Discuss your expectations about surgery with your doctor:

  • Listen will advise on possible risks or side effects.

Ask what type of anesthesia they will use, how long the surgery will take, and how you should prepare for the surgery.

When you meet with your surgeon, he or she will answer any questions you may have about eyebrow transplant to address your concerns. You should also plan someone who will take you home after surgery. Since you’ll need plenty of rest, you may need help at home for the first 24 hours after your procedure.

Eyebrow transplant procedure

During the eyebrow transplant procedure;

  • You will receive an anesthetic that will put you to sleep so that you do not feel any pain.
  • Your surgeon will cut the hair of the donor area to facilitate access. The donor area is a part of your scalp that your provider will remove to be transplanted into your eyebrows.
  • Your surgeon will remove the hair grafts from the donor area with a special sharp instrument or scalpel. The donor area is closed with stitches.
  • After a slit is opened in your skin to make room for grafts, hair grafts are placed on your eyebrows. Once the graft is in place, your surgeon will stitch the transplant area together.

After eyebrow transplantation

After your surgery, you can go home on the same day. Staying in the hospital for one night after eyebrow transplantation is a very rare situation that happens to us.

Your surgeon will give you instructions on how to care for your surgical site. Some care instructions;

  • Get plenty of rest after surgery.
  • Wear a bandage until you are advised to remove it.
  • Don’t engage in strenuous activities until your doctor tells you it’s safe.
  • Take pain medications prescribed by your doctor.
  • Some stitches need to be removed, while others can be dissolved after a few days.
  • Be careful and careful when washing your surgery site.
  • Make follow-up appointments with your surgeon to see if your skin is healing properly.
  • It is normal for your newly transplanted hair to fall out a few weeks after surgery. This makes room for new hair to grow. It can take from six weeks to several months for new hair to grow from your transplanted area.

What are the advantages of eyebrow transplantation?

The advantages of having eyebrow transplantation are:

  • There will be a noticeable change in your appearance.
  • Self-confidence increases.
  • It provides a great convenience when it comes to makeup.

What are the risks and complications of eyebrow transplantation?

As with any cosmetic procedure, there are risks associated with surgery:

  • Scarring
  • Pain
  • Inflatable
  • Infection
  • Bruising
  • Loss of sensation at the surgery site or some hair follicles

Your surgeon will share these risks and possible side effects of the procedure with you during your consultation. If you have any questions about the procedure, be sure to pass on these questions and concerns to your doctor.

When Do Eyebrows Grow?

Since the hair used for your eyebrow transplant comes from your scalp, it will continue to grow as if it were still on your scalp, even if it is now on your eyebrow. After eyebrow transplant, you may need to cut the hair of your eyebrows regularly to keep the hair to the length you want.

Is eyebrow transplantation painful?

After the procedure, you may feel a slight pain as your skin heals. Your surgeon may prescribe painkillers, or you may receive over-the-counter pain medication to relieve discomfort.

Do people regret having an eyebrow transplant?

Everyone has their own reason for having eyebrow transplantation. You will feel more comfortable with your decision to have an eyebrow transplant in the following cases:

  • If you make the decision to have surgery yourself and this decision is not affected by someone else.
  • If you have realistic expectations about the procedure.

If you have met your doctor and are confident in their ability to perform the surgery.

Talk to your doctor if you have any questions before the procedure.

Eyebrow Transplant Recovery Process

The healing process for eyebrow transplantation is fast compared to other cosmetic surgeries. In the first few weeks, you may return to light activities, such as working. During this time, your eyebrows will begin to crust. It may be tempting to tear off these crusts, but avoid doing so as it may hinder your recovery.

Most people can resume any strenuous activity after a few weeks at the discretion of their doctor. If your activities are causing your surgery site to bleed, swell, or leak fluid-like pus, stop the activity and call your doctor.

It takes up to 6-12 weeks for you to notice new hair coming out of the transplanted area. Hair loss from the operation site is normal. This helps to make room in your hair follicles for new hair growth.

When can I return to my normal activities after eyebrow transplantation?

You may feel good enough to return to work a few days after eyebrow transplant surgery: but of course every body is different. You may be asked to avoid strenuous activities, such as playing sports, for at least six weeks.

How long does eyebrow transplantation take?

Eyebrow transplantation is a long-term solution. You can live a lifetime of happiness with your results.

Contact our hospital if:

  • Severe pain
  • Inflatable
  • Leakage of blood or fluid (pus) from your surgery site

What is the difference between eyebrow transplant and microblading?

Both eyebrow transplant and microblading are cosmetic procedures that make your eyebrows look fuller. Microblading is a semi-permanent type of cosmetic tattoo that can last for several years. Eyebrow transplantation is a cosmetic surgery performed to move the hair follicles from your scalp to your eyebrows.

Eyebrow Transplantation at Confident Clinic

Eyebrows are an important part of your facial appearance, and some people prefer to have an eyebrow transplant if they want fuller eyebrows. Although makeup can help fill your eyebrows to get the look you desire, you may want a permanent solution to achieve your optimal look. If you are interested in eyebrow transplantation, you can immediately make an appointment with our doctors who specialize in this procedure for consultation.

You can visit our Instagram page for more patients before & after photos and their experiences. Online Hair Analysis.
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